21st Century Transportation, 21st Century Urban Possibilities, Highest Good Economics, Innovative Transportation Solutions, Resources for Positive Change Agents, Sustainable cities, urban planning

Advocates for the people powered movement, Alliance for Biking and Walking stepping out.


Open Street days, bring out the neighborhood.


If you are part of the growing number of citizens who are riding their bikes and walking instead of using other mechanical means of transportation, and would like to see more safe and open street design policies implemented, check out the comprehensive resources available at the Alliance for Biking and Walking to assist your community in actualizing people space on our streets.   Check out their website at :  http://www.bikewalkalliance.org/about/about-us

I had no idea that the economic impact on communities with good biking and walking paths in town and city business districts was as dramatic as it is.   People moving slowly, walking and biking through a place are paying attention to where they are, and what opportunities there are for pleasure, business, or whatever.   The staff and associates at ABW have provided many reports and studies for supporting people powered movement activists.   They have other resources as well for fundraising and partnering with other community stakeholders in designing, planning and implementing safe and open or complete street projects.

Great resource…..
